Hansen Transmissions International nv

De Villermontstraat 9

2550 Kontich - Antwerp


Tel. +32 (0)3 450 58 62

Press Release


Transparency Notification by Ecofin Limited

29 July 2011 – Hansen Transmissions International NV (LSE ticker ‘HSN’) reports that on 28 July 2011 it received a transparency notification, which shows that on 24 July 2011 Ecofin Special Situations Utilities Master Fund Limited held 30,357,394 (or 4.53%) voting rights of the total 670,104,208 voting rights in Hansen Transmissions International NV, and that Ecofin Water & Power Opportunities plc held 52,235,126 (or 7.79%) voting rights of the total 670,104,208 voting rights in Hansen Transmissions International NV.

This transparency notification was made pursuant to the irrevocable undertaking signed by Ecofin Special Situations Utilities Master Fund Limited and Ecofin Water & Power Opportunities plc on 24 July 2011 and received by ZF Friedrichshafen AG on the same day, in relation to the recommended cash offer made by ZF International BV, a wholly owned subsidiary of ZF, for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Hansen Transmissions International NV, as announced on 25 July 2011. As a result of the signing of the irrevocable undertaking, Ecofin Special Situations Utilities Master Fund Limited, Ecofin Water & Power Opportunities plc and ZF Friedrichshafen AG are deemed to be parties acting in concert for the purposes of the Belgian rules on transparency notifications.

The notification document is available on Hansen's website on:


For more information

Hansen Transmissions International NVInvestor Relations

Hans Ooms

De Villermontstraat 9

2550 Kontich - Belgium hans.ooms.ir@hansentransmissions.com

+32 3 450 58 62

Yannick Van Den Langenbergh

De Villermontstraat 9

2550 Kontich - Belgium yannickvdl@hansentransmissions.com

+32 3 450 58 62


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Dan Yea dyea@maitland.co.uk

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