30 Jan 2014 | Press release - Grontmij preferred supplier Sandvik for consulting and engineering services 

De Bilt - Leading European consultancy and engineering firm Grontmij has signed a two-year framework agreement with high-technology and engineering group Sandvik as preferred supplier of consulting and engineering services in several areas. The multi-disciplinary contract is valid for the Swedish market and is expected to be worth several million euro's over the contract period. The agreement, including an option for a one-year extension, started in January 2014.

The Grontmij services for Sandvik include several disciplines within the areas of mechanics, process systems, electricity, automation, buildings, infrastructure and project- and programme management. Jeroen van der Neut, Country Managing Director for Grontmij in Sweden says: 'We are proud that our close cooperation with Sandvik and our excellent delivery of several projects over recent years, particularly in the town of Sandviken where Sandvik's main facility in Sweden is located, have now been rewarded by Sandvik with a framework agreement that covers all their locations in Sweden.'

Grontmij's multi-disciplinary competences
This framework win underlines Grontmij's delivery of multi-disciplinary competences at the highest levels in an extensive range of consulting and engineering services for high-technology and industrial partners. In the Netherlands, Grontmij is the strategic consultancy partner of Stedin, a gas and electricity operator serving nearly two million clients. Other similar client relationships include the Belgian Landwind Energy Agency and a significant number of UK utilities.

About Sandvik
Sandvik is a high-technology, engineering group with advanced products and world-leading positions within selected areas. Worldwide business activities are conducted through representation in more than 130 countries. In 2012 the Group had about 49,000 employees, of which 12,000 in Sweden. The group is active within five business areas: mining, machining solutions, material technology, construction and venture.

Press release - Grontmij preferred supplier Sandvik for consulting and engineering services
Image of Sandvik's main facility in Sandviken via our Image Gallery

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