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鷹 力 投 資 控 股 有 限 公 司

(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 901)


The Board proposes to change the English name of the Company from ''Eagle Ride Investment Holdings Limited'' to ''Goldstone Investment Group Limited'', and the new

foreign name in Chinese ''金石投資集團有限公司'' will be adopted to replace ''鷹力投資 控股有限公司''.

The EGM will be convened and held for the Shareholders to consider and, if thought fit, approve the Proposed Change of Company Name. A circular containing, among other matters, details of the Proposed Change of Company Name and a notice convening the EGM to approve the Proposed Change of Company Name and related proxy form will be despatched to the Shareholders as soon as practicable.


The board (the ''Board'') of directors (the ''Director(s)'') of Eagle Ride Investment Holdings Limited (the ''Company'', together with its subsidiaries, the ''Group'') proposes to change the English name of the Company from ''Eagle Ride Investment Holdings Limited'' to ''Goldstone Investment Group Limited'', and the new foreign name in Chinese ''金石投資集團有限公司'' will be adopted to replace ''鷹力投資控股有限公司'' (the ''Proposed Change of Company Name'').

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  1. Conditions of the Proposed Change of Company Name
    The Proposed Change of Company Name is subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions:
    1. the passing of a special resolution by the shareholders of the Company (the ''Shareholders'') at an extraordinary general meeting of the Company (the ''EGM'') to approve, among others, the Proposed Change of Company Name; and
    2. the Registrar of Companies in the Cayman Islands having approved the Proposed Change of Company Name.

Subject to the satisfaction of the above conditions, the Proposed Change of Company Name will take effect from the date of issue of the certificate of incorporation on change of name by the Registrar of Companies in the Cayman Islands.

The Company will then carry out the necessary filing procedures with the Companies Registry in Hong Kong.

  1. Reasons for the Proposed Change of Company Name
    The Group has been actively looking for new business opportunities to diversify its business and to strengthen its long-term growth potential and shareholders' value. The Board considers that the Proposed Change of Company Name is in line with the Group's business development planning, will promote the Company's corporate image and will benefit the Company's future business development. Therefore, the Board considers that the Proposed Change of Company Name is in the best interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.
  2. Effects of the Proposed Change of Company Name
    The Proposed Change of Company Name will not affect any of the rights of the Shareholders or the Company's daily business operation and its financial position.
    All existing share certificates in issue bearing the Company's existing name shall continue to be evidence of legal title and valid for trading, settlement, registration and delivery purposes. Accordingly, there will not be any arrangement for free exchange of existing share certificates for new share certificates bearing the new names. Once the Proposed Change of Company Name becomes effective, share certificates of the Company will be issued in the new names and the securities of the Company will be traded on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ''Stock Exchange'') under the new names.

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  1. The EGM
    The EGM will be convened and held for the Shareholders to consider and, if thought fit, approve the Proposed Change of Company Name. A circular containing, among other matters, details of the Proposed Change of Company Name and a notice convening the EGM to approve the Proposed Change of Company Name and related proxy form will be despatched to the Shareholders as soon as practicable. In compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, all resolutions will be voted on by way of a poll at the EGM. To the best of the Directors' knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiries, no Shareholders are required to abstain from voting on the resolution to be proposed at the EGM.

Further announcement(s) will be made by the Company to inform the Shareholders of the results of the EGM, the effective date of the Proposed Change of Company Name and other relevant information as and when appropriate.

By Order of the Board

Eagle Ride Investment Holdings Limited


Tung Shu Sun


Hong Kong, 11 September 2020

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises seven Directors. The executive Director is Mr. Chan Yiu Pun, Clement; the non-executive Directors are Mr. Tung Shu Sun, Mr. Dang Yin Liang, Dr. Xiao Yanming and Mr. Wong Tsz Wai; and the independent non- executive Director are Mr. Vichai Phaisalakani and Mr. Lai Kim Fung.

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This is an excerpt of the original content. To continue reading it, access the original document here.


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Eagle Ride Investment Holdings Limited published this content on 11 September 2020 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 11 September 2020 08:39:08 UTC