Global Helium Corp. announced it has acquired additional acreage in southern Saskatchewan's “helium fairway,” advancing the Company's 100%-owned acreage to over 1.5 million acres, making Global one of the large helium-focused landholders in North America. Post-acquisition, Global Helium has over $9.5 million in cash and is Canada's second large land holder of helium rights.

Global enjoys 100% ownership of the entire 1.5 million acres and pays royalties of less than 5%, yielding greater than a 95% Net Revenue Interest. The Company's current holdings are in Saskatchewan's famed “helium fairway,” home to most of Canada's helium reserves and production where helium has been tested and produced in concentrations of over 2% since the 1960's. Saskatchewan's original helium discoveries were made pre-1960 as early explorers for oil and natural gas in Saskatchewan found “inert, non-flammable or non-combustible gas,” which turned out to be primarily nitrogen and helium. Helium and nitrogen are both zero carbon, inert, non-combustible gases.