The road-marking business really only begins in the second quarter.
The first quarter therefore provides no guidance as to the outcome for the full year.

First quarter
* Net sales amounted to SKr 64.9 million (61.5).
* The operating result was a loss of SKr 50.6 million (loss 51.1).
* The loss after tax amounted to SKr 44.4 million (loss 49.0)
* The loss per share was SKr 2.63 (loss 2.90)

Significant events during the first quarter of 2015
On 20 February 2015 the Group's Danish subsidiary LKF Vejmarkering A/S received an injunction in the form of a Statement of Objectives from the Danish restrictive practices authority, the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency (DCCA). The statement expresses the DCCA's preliminary position that LKF Vejmarkering may have been in breach of the Danish rules on restrictive practices when it openly participated in a public procurement by bidding in a consortium together with another road marking company in 2014. The statement does not anticipate the final outcome of the authority's investigation and the Group is given the right to express its position on the authority's statement before a decision is made on the case.

The view of Geveko's Board and management is that there has been no breach of the Danish restrictive practices rules but they are now evaluating the authority's statement. Although it cannot be excluded that the Group's result and cash flow will be adversely affected as a consequence of the ongoing investigation, it is too early to assess the scope of any fine and/or other penalty. Therefore, no provision has been made in the Group's accounts as of 31 March 2015.

Significant events after the end of the reporting period
There have been no significant events after the end of the reporting period.

__Comments by Göran Eklund, Managing Director_
The season for road-marking operations only really gets started during the second
quarter. During the first quarter most of the major state road-marking contracts in the
Nordic countries have been finalised. Compared with the previous year the outcome
for our contracting business was a higher volume in Sweden, a lower volume in
Finland and unchanged volumes in Denmark and Norway.

At Geveko Material Sales, first quarter sales and results were on a par with last year's.

The Force 50 profitability programme was implemented in 2014 according to plan, and
the effects were already showing through in the first quarter of 2015. We continue to
identify and implement further cost-reduction measures, but the raw material situation
with higher prices has partly offset their effect.

The Board is taking steps to further strengthen the potential of road safety.

As for the company's short-term liquidity requirements, we are now closer to having
our seasonal requirements fully financed than we were when the Annual Report was
published. Meanwhile, the company is continuing its review of the capital structure
and making every effort, in dialogue with its creditors, to find a solution to strengthen
its financial position.

Göteborg, 28 April 2015

Göran Eklund

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