GeoSolar Technologies, Inc. appointed Dar-Lon Chang as the Company?s President. Mr. Chang (age 47) is a resident of the Geos neighborhood in Arvada, Colorado and moved to the net-zero, all-electric neighborhood in 2019. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Chang was a consultant to the Company and a climate activist.

Between 2003 and 2019 Mr. Chang was a research engineer at ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company. In 2022, Mr. Chang was selected by the City Council of Arvada to join the Arvada Sustainability Advisory Committee, and also joined the Just Transition Advisory Roundtable hosted by the Alliance Center that helped the passage of HB23-1074, a Colorado bill for the study of the workforce transition of oil and gas workers to clean energy. Mr. Chang is currently a board member for Colorado Rising and a leading advocate for 350 Colorado's Safe and Healthy Colorado ballot initiative to phase out new fracking permits by 2030.