GENFIT announced the publication in the Journal of Hepatology 2 of a paper on the performance of NIS2+ as a screening tool for the enrollment of patients in Metabolic Dysfunction?Associated Steatohepatitis (MASH) clinical trials. The study highlights NIS2+?s potential effectiveness to significantly reduce the number of liver biopsies required for the enrollment of patients in MASH clinical trials. The study demonstrates that, for 1,000 inclusions in a trial, NIS2+ could significantly reduce the number of unnecessary liver biopsies being performed (632 vs 1,522; -58%).

The data taken from this study indicate that NIS2+ may reduce liver biopsy failure rate to 60%) liver biopsy failure rates. Reducing liver biopsy failure rates using non-invasive tests represents a high unmet need and an important step towards accelerating recruitment at optimized cost in future MASH clinical trials.