Izdanje obveznice Raiffeisenbank Austria d Announcement

Results of the Supervisory Board Meeting

Kalinovica, 16 October 2015 - GENERA d.d. (ZSE: VERN-R-A) announces that at the session held on 16 October 2015, the Supervisory Board took note of the financial statements for the third quarter of 2015 and for the period I-IX 2015. Financial statements for the third quarter of 2015. and for the period I-IX 2015. will be available on the website of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, the Official Register of Regulated Information kept by the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency, the website of Genera d.d. as well as announced to the public through HINA.

For more information on Genera, please visit www.genera.hr


Ana Bagarić, Director of Corporate Communications, +385 1 33 88 603, ana.bagaric@genera.hr

Ana Prelog, Head of Corporate Communications, +385 1 33 88 726, ana.prelog@genera.hr


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