Izdanje obveznice Raiffeisenbank Austria d Announcement Announcement on the concluded merger agreement Kalinovica, 4 May 2015 - GENERA d.d. (ZSE: VERN-R-A) announces that on 4 May 2015, a merger agreement was concluded between GENERA d.d., from Kalinovica, Svetonedeljska 2 as the takeover company and the company Genera lijekovi d.o.o., from Kalinovica, Svetonedeljska 2 as the merged company.

Under this agreement, the parties have agreed that the company Genera lijekovi d.o.o. is merged to the company Genera d.d. as the takeover company, by the transfer of its entire assets, rights and its liabilities to the takeover company. As of the day the merger is registered with the court register with which the takeover company is registered, the merged company shall cease to exist. The merger agreement shall enter into force as of its approval by the General Meeting of the merged company, and the General Assembly of the takeover company shall be held only if so requested by the shareholder whose stakes jointly constitute at least twenty percent of the share capital.
For more information, please visit www.genera.hr


Ana Bagarić, Director of Corporate Communications, +385 1 33 88 603, ana.bagaric@genera.hr
Ana Prelog, Head of Corporate Communications, +385 1 33 88 726, ana.prelog@genera.hr

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