GBLT Corp. announce that it has received orders of €195,000 in Dr. Senst branded FFP2 masks from two major German retailers. GBLT had previously been delivering masks to both retailers, with one previously referenced in news releases issued December 2nd, 2020 and December 10th, 2020. The second order, included in the €195,000 figure, comes from an existing retailer customer that had previously been ordering standard masks, and is now upgrading to FFP2 masks. FFP2 masks are considered professional and medical grade masks compared to the FFP1 masks that are more commonly found throughout European regions. FFP2 masks are considered better for self protection against airborne viruses compared to FFP1 which only limit the spread of an iillness. The Company is also pleased to announced that it has expanded its mobile energy business to include online sales with some of Europe's largest online distributers. The management believes that this online strategy will yield promising results going forward.