Fusion Fuel Green PLC submitted its proposed “HEVO-SOLAR Sines” project to the European Green Deal Call. Fusion Fuel Green PLC submitted the project, called HEVO-SOLAR Sines, in collaboration with four large international companies representing Portugal, Spain, France, and the Netherlands. The proposed project, which would require a total capital investment of €136 million, provides for the development of a 100MW Electrolyzer Plant, which would generate 10’250 tons of Green Hydrogen per year to be used in the production of Green Ammonia. The European Commission has allocated €1 billion to the Green Deal Call, which is intended to stimulate Europe's economic recovery and accelerate the transition to carbon-neutrality by 2050. One of the mandates in the Green Deal framework, “Develop and demonstrate a 100 MW electrolyzer upscaling the link between renewables and commercial/industrial applications”, is the funding program for which the group submitted the project. The companies involved in HEVO-SOLAR Sines project span the entire commercial value chain, from the capture of solar energy and production of Green Hydrogen, to the production, off-take, and logistical management of Green Ammonia. This project is closely aligned with the aggressive decarbonization efforts being made in Europe, as the production of ammonia is a significant source of carbon emissions. Producing one ton of “Brown” Ammonia emits two tons of CO2 whereas Green Ammonia has zero carbon emissions.