Frontier Services Group Limited (FSG) and Taiping General Insurance Co. Ltd. (Taiping) have reached a strategic partnership agreement to develop innovative insurance products and services to comprehensively support overseas Chinese enterprises and projects. FSG and Taiping will focus on supporting clients operating along the One Belt One Road (OBOR) region. The new offering will provide clients with innovative insurance products and services covering the unique risks associated with frontier markets. The new partnership will provide insurance solutions covering personnel, assets and projects from Asia to Africa. FSG's mission is to help businesses operating in frontier markets overcome complex security, logistics and operational challenges by delivering reliable and bespoke solutions. FSG will not only assist Taiping in developing insurance products, but also will be a force multiplier in risk mitigation and operational support through its comprehensive logistics security and cross-border aviation services. These services will help to mitigate risks and provide critical support all insured clients.