Frontera Resources Corporation announced operations update related to its ongoing work at Block 12 in Georgia. At Taribani, drilling contractor selection is in progress and the board expects to complete this in early September 2017. The Dino 2 Drilling permit is expected to be approved in October, with drilling operations to commence in November and well testing to start in December subject to there being no unforeseen circumstances. In January 2018, it is the Company's intention to start deepening the T-45 well, to a target depth of 2650m, in order that Zones 9, 14 and 15 can be stimulated and produced together. It is expected that the drilling permit will be approved in November and well testing may be able to commence from February 2018. Based on the Netherland, Sewell and Associates resource estimate (which is available on the Company's website), Zones 9, 14 and 15 of the Eldari A reservoir are estimated to contain about 700 million bbls of oil in place, with expected ultimate recovery of about 100 million bbls. At Mtsare-Khevi, The company will continue its work-over operations in the Ud-2 well of the Mtsare Khevi gas complex. The bridge plug will be set at 3340m and three gas-bearing intervals located between 2620m and 3320m will be perforated and tested. Of these intervals, two are in the Gareji formation and one interval is in the Oligocene age source rock (Maykop). Work-over operations are expected to be completed by end of September, subject to there being no unforeseen circumstances, followed by perforation and testing in October. Based on the Netherland, Sewell & Associates resource estimate, the Gareji and the Oligocene formations of the Mtsare-Khevi gas complex are estimated to contain 8.3 TCF of Gas in Place, with 6.15 TCF considered to be recoverable.