Fortinet announced a new Extended Detection and Response (XDR) solution, FortiXDR, designed to reduce complexity, speed detection, and coordinate response to cyberattacks across the organization. FortiXDR is the only solution of its kind to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) for the investigation effort critical to incident response. Expanding on the cloud-native endpoint platform of FortiEDR, it enhances an organization’s Security Fabric and the threat protection powered by FortiGuard Labs security services. Specifically, FortiXDR can fully automate security operations processes typically handled by experienced security analysts to mitigate threats faster across the broad attack surface. The large number of security products typically deployed by enterprises has resulted in an unmanageable volume of security information that can actually mask threats, leaving security teams struggling to detect and respond to cyberattacks. As a result, a majority of organizations are either currently or planning in the next two to three years to consolidate security vendors. Many organizations are gravitating toward consolidation based on an XDR solution. Gartner defines XDR as “a security incident detection and response platform that automatically collects and correlates data from multiple security products.”1 XDR provides an intelligent and automated way to tie traditionally isolated solutions into a single system. However, while XDR solutions can ease some of the challenges related to vendor complexity, most focus on cross-product alert correlation and still require significant manual intervention of teams already stretched thin due to the cyber skills gap. Security teams require an XDR solution that can automate the entire process, from detection to event investigation to remediating security incidents. Unlike other solutions, FortiXDR is AI-powered by a patent-pending Dynamic Control Flow Engine and continually trained by the threat data and research of FortiGuard Labs as well as the frontline expertise of its incident responders. The solution starts by leveraging the diverse security information shared across the Fortinet Security Fabric for correlation and analysis, converting them into high fidelity security incidents. These are then investigated by the AI engine, just as a seasoned security analyst would, to come to a final threat classification and scope. Finally, the best possible contextual responses are defined and can be automatically implemented to quickly remediate confirmed incidents. Key benefits of FortiXDR include: Dramatically reduces the number of alerts across products—by 77% or more on average. Handles complex tasks in seconds that would take experts with specialized tools 30 minutes or more to accomplish. And without human error. Enables the consolidation of independent security products and an automatic, coordinated response. Fully automates intelligent incident investigation rather than relying on scarce human resources.