Feng Hsin Steel Co., Ltd. at the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting held on June 13, 2024, newly-appointed directors: Yang Tsung-Lin; Lin Tzu-Cheng; Newly- appointed independent directors: Chien Shu-Hua. Resume of the new position holder: Director: Yang Tsung-Lin: Vice President, Administration Department of Feng Hsin Steel Co., Ltd.; Director: Lin Tzu-Cheng: President of Liquanhe Co., Ltd.; Independent Director: Chien Shu-Hua: Independent director of Chu Yu Hsiang Co., Ltd. Title and name of the previous position holder: Directors: Yang Tsung-Ju, Chairman of Board of Fengyuan Development Co., Ltd.; Director: Chen Hsin Hung, Chen Hsin Hung: Chairman of Board of Gei Tai International Co., Ltd.; Independent Director:Yue Chao Tang, Independent director of Uni-President Enterprises Corporation. Reason for the change: Term expired and full re-election; Effective date of the new appointment is June 13, 2024.