Fearless Films, Inc. announced that its debut production, The Great Chameleon, is available on a number of streaming platforms. The Great Chameleon is a bawdy comedy with dramatic overtones in which the FBI secretly releases master of disguise con man Joe Murky (Victor Altomare) from prison to track down his abducted niece. With the assistance of his long-time cohort and eccentric make-up artist Max; Joe Murky, aka: Great Chameleon will reach into his whole bag of tricks with his off-the-wall style of disguises as he nears his target. All the while, Murky is hampered by the overzealous parole officer Curry, who has a personal vendetta against him. The Great Chameleon is a crime story with plentiful laughs, and a fun-to-watch experience. The film is available on Amazon US and UK, Google YouTube, Xbox and iTunes.