eYs3D Microelectronics and Etron Technology jointly launch the "3D Real-Time Depth-Map Camera Module & IC Platform" - the eSP876. With key features including high quality, high transmission rate, special light source, and low power, the eSP876 provides the best depth-map images. It can be used either indoors or outdoors, in light or dark environments, and distances ranging from near to far, enabling first-in-class usability in unlimited application settings. The eSP876 delivers high-performance depth-map images in 3D or 2D instant video. While connected to two sensors using either USB3.0 or MIPI interfaces, it executes sophisticated parallel computational algorithms, and outputs high performance depth-map images of up to HD resolution at 720p of 60 frames per second, or FHD resolution at 1080P of 60 frames per second. The eSP876 comes with the company's proprietary 3D capture technology to support a variety of formats such as anaglyph, polarized and shutter lens. VR/AR is a rapidly emerging and booming space, and many international mobile phone manufacturers have introduced Google Tango technology to provide consumer AR experiences. The technology enables electronic products to obtain the depth of the scene, thus sensing the surrounding environment like a human being would. For VR/AR applications, it is critical to obtain subject's 3D (X-Y-Z) data, for consideration of compensating the subject's movement errors. Wireless remote control solutions, relatively simple, are now being widely applied for VR/AR, but there remain many corresponding issues related to various common gestures, such as, grabbing and propelling, or even everyday household movements like cooking or dishwashing, etc. The eSP876 is well-suited to enable wireless gesturing and body motion control as a better solution. Another hot application area the eSP876 addresses is drones, which are mainly used outdoors. Some 3D depth-map technologies require active light sources (such as flashlights or infrared lasers) to operate, which can cause drones to be inoperable in many settings. The eSP876, with its stereoscopic technology, can be used in a large range of natural light environments with high flexibility; no active light sources are needed. In some lower-light environments, the eSP876 can use auxiliary light sources to increase identification efficiency, allowing users to normally operate a drone in a variety of environments. A third rapidly growing, exciting application addressed by the eSP876 is smart retail. The eSP876 3D Depth-Map Control IC is capable of precisely executing people counting calculations. With a 3D smart stereo camera, dual lens and 3D depth-map technology, coupled with people/object counting algorithms and core image processing technology, the eSP876 platform can calculate two-way customer flow accurately. In addition, the two companies Etron and eYs3D have used the 3D depth-map technology for Individual Detection of products, providing next-level valuable data for management to use in optimizing sales. The 3D Real-time Depth-Map Camera Module & IC eSP876, as well as the complete solutions for VR/AR, drone and people counting applications, will be demonstrated at CES 2017.