EPIRUS Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. reported that Mark Corrigan, Julie McHugh, and William Hunter will serve on its board of directors. The board was reconstituted following the company's merger with Zalicus Inc. It also includes Amit Munshi, Geoffrey Duyk, Scott Rocklage, Kevin Buchi and Daotian Fu. Corrigan will serve as the chairman of the Epirus board.

Corrigan served as a director and was the president and chief executive officer of Zalicus from 2010 to 2014. McHugh will serve on the Epirus board as a director and member of the Audit and Compensation Committees. McHugh recently served as chief operating officer for Endo Health Solutions, Inc., where she was responsible for the specialty pharmaceutical and generic drug businesses.

Hunter will serve on the Epirus board as a director and member of the Audit and Governance Committees. He is the president and chief executive officer of Cardiome Pharma Corp.