EnviroGold Global Limited announced positive results from an independent ground penetrating radar geophysical survey (the "Survey" or the "GPR Survey") of its Buchans river delta tailings reprocessing & metal recovery project (the "Buchans Project"). The results are consistent with previous drilling of the deltaic tailings deposit and indicate the potential for a substantial upward revision of EnviroGold Global's project estimates. The results of the GPR Survey included 128.5 km of radar data that indicated the presence of substantial quantities of distinct geological material with an average thickness of 1.5 m deposited on and overlaying the bedrock underneath the exposed and submerged areas of the Buchans river delta.

The GPR Survey results are consistent with previous drilling of the tailings and support EnviroGold Global's expectations of the presence of substantial quantities of legacy mine tailings in the central claims of the Buchans Project. The data also indicated substantial quantities of distinct geological material within the EnviroGold Global controlled Jeff Wall claim adjacent to the Buchans central claims. The Survey shows the material extends into the Jeff Wall claims forming a "Western Arc" over a 1 km strike length. The identification of the previously unknown "Western Arc" indicates significant upside and increased potential for the Buchans Project, consistent with EnviroGold Global's expectation that substantial quantities of legacy mine tailings exist outside of the Buchans Central claims. The independent Survey was undertaken by Abitibi Geophysics ("Abitibi"), a leading Canadian geotechnical firm, and was intended to map the presence, thickness and potential quantities of legacy mine tailings within the 1,225 hectares (3,025 acres) of mine claims subject to EnviroGold Global's previously announced binding and definitive agreement.

The tailings resulted from approximately 40 years of legacy gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc mining during which time tailings were dumped directly into the Buchans Brook and re-deposited into Beothuk Lake in the form of the Buchans River delta that could contain substantial quantities of precious metals, critical metals and barite. EnviroGold Global's detailed assessments of the deltaic tailings, including metallurgical analysis, have suggested the potential for significant metal recovery. EnviroGold Global will undertake additional work to define the potential of the Buchans Project, including a core sampling program, and announced that it has submitted an exploration permit application to the Newfoundland and Labrador government for a coring plan covering the "Western Arc" within the Jeff Wall Claim.

The Company expects the exploration permit to be approved in First Quarter 2022. EnviroGold Global is also pleased to announce that its previously-submitted sampling and analysis plan for the Aubrey Budgell claims, which lie to the north of the Buchans central claims, has been approved by the government of Newfoundland and Labrador. In addition to further defining the project's potential, the data generated by the planned exploration can be used to prepare a mineral resource estimate for the Buchans Project.

The Abitibi Geophysical Survey was undertaken to employ geophysical methods that can be used to determine the thickness, and thus the quantities, of the deltaic tailings deposited within the 1,225 hectares (3,025 acres) of mine claims subject to EnviroGold Global's previously announced binding and definitive agreement. Abitibi reviewed several potential geophysical methods for the survey, including electrical, electromagnetic and seismic methods, ultimately choosing to employ advanced ground penetrating radar to optimize the vertical and horizontal resolution of the survey. In addition to the GPR, Abitibi used acoustic pulse methodology to conduct a bathymetric survey of the water column covering certain portions of the deltaic tailings deposit.

The acoustic bathymetric survey provided data, including data related to the boundary between the water and the sedimentary material, that was used to enhance the interpretability of the GPR generated data. Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) included a series of standard data processing methodologies including filtering, time zero adjustment, rubber-sheeting and migration, designed to enhance the quality and interpretability of the Survey data. The operation of the Survey instrumentation was independent from the initial quality control, processing, plotting and interpretation reporting, which was completed by a Professional Geologist.

A final, independent quality control review was conducted by separate Professional Geologist. The study personnel were employed by Abitibi and independent of EnviroGold Global.