Vancouver, B.C., - February 22, 2013 - SIS EmerGeo Solutions Inc. (EmerGeo), a leading provider of crisis management and situational awareness software, collaborated with Sai Infosystem (India) Ltd. to provide security surveillance during one of India's largest global conferences that brought together a total of 2,100 government and industry delegates from 121 countries: Vibrant Gujarat Summit.

The conference organizer has provided a Letter of Appreciation. "Command & Control Room software was provided by EmerGeo integrating feeds from Surveillance cameras, Video management, Video Analytics, GIS systems and Unified Communications for a total of 109 IP cameras deployed for the event", stated Mr. Mukesh Kumar, Managing Director of Industrial Extension Bureau, Gandhinagar. "The control room was manned by senior police officials as well as representatives from SIS and EmerGeo for smooth operations during the event."

SIS EmerGeo provides a complete set of urban security and crisis management technologies and support services needed to build resilience to any threat.

About SIS EmerGeo

EmerGeo develops emergency management software solutions and provides consulting services and support to government and industry around the world.  EmerGeo's Fusionpoint™ and emergency mapping applications are used to log, track and communicate critical information required by emergency and security personnel.  By leveraging open web standards and a data fusion engine, EmerGeo's software allows customers to configure a relevant common operating picture tailored to each emergency role.  Dispatch, crisis management, mapping, surveillance cameras and other system data come together in a configurable web dashboard for decision-makers.

EmerGeo's technology and people have been at the forefront of some of the world's largest disasters and are proven effective in helping government and industry to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to and recover from potential or actual incidents, natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or pre-planned events.  More information is available at


"Michael Morrow"

Michael Morrow, President

For more information contact the Company at:

Telephone:    +1-604-336-8120
Facsimile:      +1-604-623-4837

Email:               info emergeo com"

"ProtectingPeople, Property&the Environment"

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