ELAN Microelectronics Corporation announced members of the sixth remuneration committee: Name of the previous position holder: Independent director: Lin, Hsien-Ming; Independent director: Tang, Chuan-Yi; Independent director: Lu, Fang-Cheng. Resume of the previous position holder: Independent director: Lin, Hsien-Ming;The Chairman & CSO of Wistron Corp.; Independent director: Tang, Chuan-Yi;President of Providence University.; Independent director: Lu, Fang-Cheng;Chairman of Kings Porcelain Co. Ltd. Name of the new position holder: Independent director: Lin, Hsien-Ming; Independent director: Tsai, Chuang-Chuang; Independent director: Lu, Fang-Cheng.

Resume of the new position holder: Independent director: Lin, Hsien-Ming;The Chairman & CSO of Wistron Corp.; Independent director: Tsai, Chuang-Chuang; Director, AUO Corporation; Independent director: Lu, Fang-Cheng;Chairman of Kings Porcelain Co. Ltd. Effective date of the new member is May 30, 2024.