Earth Science Tech, Inc. announced the company has signed a deal with Laboratories BNK Canada, Inc. for clinical studies related to the MSN-2 Medical Device. ETST has confirmed the MSN-2 device’s ability to detect chlamydia, and is working to validate similar results for gonorrhea. In the near future, ETST will add testing for trichomoniasis, and a complete body fluid panel to detect the different serotypes of the human papillomavirus (HPV) that causes cervical cancer. Both are highly infectious sexually transmitted infections (STI). These additions will help the company create sales opportunities in new markets. BNK brings a team of professional scientists from the pharmaceutical, clinical research, and even hospital settings. BNK will assist ETST in the design, development, and validation of testing methods that meet all regulatory requirements. In addition, BNK will assist with the determination and development of study-specific tests for ETST clinical projects and bring expertise in clinical research project management to ensure that all trials run smoothly. This expertise will help the company maintain efficiency and reduce R&D costs.