DRS  Data & Research  Services plc is  pleased to announce  that it has signed a
further  agreement  to  October  2014 with  the  Assessment  and  Qualifications
Alliance  (AQA), the  largest English  Examinations Board,  to provide  AQA with
automated examination services using DRS' e-Marker® technology to electronically
capture marks from candidates' scripts.

AQA  and DRS have  been working together  since 2005 to improve  the quality and
efficiency of examination processing using e-Marker®.

Andrew  Bird,  AQA's  Deputy  Director  General  comments:  "We are delighted to
continue  our long-standing partnership  with DRS. This  will ensure that we can
keep  delivering the best possible technological  support to our assessments, to
the ultimate benefit of all our learners."

DRS'  Chief Executive Tony  Lee adds, "DRS  is proud to  be AQA's partner in the
successful delivery of examination marking.  We are very much looking forward to
continuing our relationship with AQA and to further developing e-Marker® to meet
the changing requirements of examination marking".

The  potential turnover  for DRS  over this  five year  contract is  expected to
exceed £40m.

For further information contact:

Sally Hopwood, Company Secretary
DRS Data & Research Services plc
01908 423784
