PR Newswire/Les Echos/

2009 first-half sales: EUR69.3 million

                                         15 July 2009

In millions of euros     30 06 08     30 06 09      Change 
First quarter              43.65        36.00       -17.5%
Second quarter             43.38        33.32       -23.2%
Total                      87.03        69.32       -20.3%

Sales highlights by division 

In millions of euros     30 06 08     30 06 09      Change 
B-to-B division            55.07        45.94       -16.6%
B-to-C division            31.96        23.38       -26.8%
Total                      87.03        69.32       -20.3%

The economic environment of the building sector continued to deteriorate in the
second quarter. Reflecting the impact of this trend, Secuiridev's sales
contracted 23.2%.

For the full first six months Group sales declined 20% from the same period in
2008 that was marked by sustained growth overall.

Securidev has taken appropriate measures to adapt its costs to the difficult
conditions of Europe's current economic environment.


For the 2009 full year and in light of current trends, the Group anticipates a
contraction in annual sales of 20%

Upcoming events:  Publication of 2009 first-half results
                  24 September 2009 (after the close of the Paris stock market)

	Complete information about Securidev is available at
          ISIN FR0000052839 - Reuters SECF.PA - Bloomberg SEC
                     Euronext Paris - compartment C
  Securidev    Pierre-Paul Fini   Tel: +33 (0)1 46 22 09 00
  Asset Com    Laurence Costes    Tel: +33 (0)1 41 22 90 95

Securidev is a leading European specialist in locking systems and equipment with
three core businesses: access control systems, locking devices for equipment and
building locking systems.
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