The directors of Easton Investments Limited announced that the Managing Director, Mr. Greg Hayes, has given notice under the terms of his contract that he plans to retire as managing director of the company. Greg has a 6-month notice period, but has agreed to remain in his role until the 2020 Annual General Meeting or longer if necessary to give the company ample time to find a suitable replacement. After 6 years as Managing Director, Greg advised the Board that he believes that the company's core businesses are on a sound growth footing, with excellent forward trajectory, and later this year would be an appropriate time to bring on a new managing director to take the Company through its next growth phase.

The company also advised that Mr. Rodney Green has confirmed his intention to step down from the Board as an independent, non-executive director in coming months. Rodney is the company's longest serving director, having joined the Board in 2012, and has variously served as chairman and deputy chairman during this period.