Holiday shopping revenue is measured from Black Friday to Christmas Eve. Typically that's only 26 days. This year it's 27. With such a short run at capturing your share of billions of dollars spent during the holidays, it has become more critical than ever to know the "best of the best" online shopping days. Looking at the numbers compiled by comScore - which tracks the top 10 heaviest online spending days - year-over-year analysis of this data reveals an interesting pattern. Mondays and Tuesdays are the winners for online retailers. No weekends, very few Fridays and nothing within a week of Christmas come close to making the list.

Digging a Little Deeper
Over the past few years, the Tuesday immediately following Cyber Monday has found its way into "The Top 10." This has happened every single year since 2008. And the trend continues. Not only is the Tuesday immediately following Cyber Monday a great day for online retailers, but so are the following Tuesdays. Even without catchy marketing titles, these days perform at extremely high levels and have done so consistently over the last six years. If you dig a little deeper still, you'll find that Wednesdays are great online shopping days too. The Wednesday immediately following Cyber Monday has made the Top 10 every year except for 2010. This particular Wednesday was listed as the tenth busiest day in both 2008 and 2009 and took over the sixth spot in 2013.

Analyzing the historical data can help sharpen predictions about your busiest online holiday shopping days. This will allow for a better focus on particular marketing channels and the best tactics to turn more of the online traffic into revenue. In a competitive landscape like the online holiday shopping season, it is vital that organizations use the information at their disposal to better prepare for the busiest time of the year. It should become a standard practice for teams to review and plan for what's ahead with insight gained from historical trends. Considering the billions of dollars that will be spent, and data at your fingertips, using this information to your advantage could make this the brightest online holiday shopping season yet.

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