DFCC Bank PLC announced that Ms. Vijayanthimala Jayatilleke Senaratne, non-executive director retired with effect from July 5, 2024, upon the completion of 9 years of service as a director of the bank. at the date of her retirement, Senaratne functioned as a member of the nomination and governance committee and integrated risk management committee. Upon the retirement of Ms. V J Senaratne, the composition of the following Board Committees as of 6 July 2024 is as follows: Board Nomination and Governance Committee: Mr. W R H Fernando ?

Chairman, Mr. J Durairatnam and Mr. N Vasantha Kumar as members. Board Integrated Risk Management Committee: Mr. N Vasantha Kumar ? Chairman, Ms. L K A H Fernando, Mr. W R H Fernando, Mr. N H T I Perera as members.

In addition, the Chief Risk Officer is also a member of the Committee.