Deccan Health Care Limited announced that due to heavy rainfall and cloud burst in Uttarakhand including in the area of the area of Rudrapur and Pantnagar has been inundated with flood water. All river levels are rising constantly, Indian Meteorological Department has issued warning for heavy to very heavy rainfall and some areas are on alert. The water logging and road blockades has resulted in total halt in movement of material and personnel and outage of electricity making the areas unsafe for carrying out operations. Reaching the factory has not been possible due to being rain-savaged. In line with manufacturing factories in the SIDCUL-IIE Pantnagar area where the company?s factory is situated, the company have halted production and temporarily shut down the plant as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of the company?s personnel and staff which is of foremost concern. The company are awaiting the restoration of electricity and movement of material and personnel.