Datametrex AI Limited announced a purchase order of 20,000 COVID-19 test kits from a Canadian based mining company with operations worldwide. This PO is for one of their Latin American mine operations. The total gross sales amount is approximately $850,000 CDN, excluding shipping and courier fees. The Company has secured all requested testing kits, swabs, tubes, and the PCR machines. All of the items will be delivered directly to the mining company at their operating site in Latin America in mid-July. The Company anticipates little or no up front costs associated with the sale of these kits. Under the terms of the PO, Datametrex will provide the Purchaser with 20,000 units of the COVID-19 qPCR Detection Kits manufactured by 1drop Inc. 20,000 Universal Transport Medium Sterile Swabs with 16x100mm and Skirted Tubes. The Company also sold two (2) Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Detection System machines along with software to ensure optimal assay performance of the samples. Some Latin American countries are seeing shocking unemployment figures as the pandemic has caused hunger to rise in the region. The fallout from the pandemic is being felt hardest in Latin America, and has seen an almost three-fold rise in the number of people requiring government assistance, and among urban communities in low and middle-income countries, which are being dragged into destitution by job losses, especially in the mining sector. Millions of people are out of work in Brazil, Chile and Colombia, which have all attempted to re-open sectors of their economies but were hit with fast-spreading infections.