達 芙 妮 國 際 控 股 有 限 公 司 *

(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)


(Stock Code: 210) (股 份 代 號:210


11 September 2019

To Shareholder,

Notification of Publication of 2019 Interim Report (the "Current Corporate Communication") (Note)

The Current Corporate Communication (in both English and Chinese versions) of Daphne International Holdings Limited (the "Company") is now available on the Company's website at www.daphneholdings.com and on the HKEXnews website at www.hkexnews.hk. You may access the Current Corporate Communication by clicking the relevant titles as appeared under the "Investor Relations" of the Company's website.

The Current Corporate Communication in printed version will be available from the Company or the Company's share registrar in Hong Kong, Tricor Secretaries Limited (the "Share Registrar"), at Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong, upon request.

If you, for any reason, have difficulty in viewing the Current Corporate Communication or gaining access to the Company's website, upon your reasonable request in writing to the Company or the Share Registrar by post or by email at is-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com, the printed version of the Current Corporate Communication will promptly be sent to you free of charge.

Even if you have chosen the website version, you would still have the right to change your choice of means of receipt and/or language of Corporate Communication at any time by reasonable notice in writing to the Company or the Share Registrar by post or by email at is-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com.

Should you have any queries relating to this notification, please call the Customer Service Hotline of the Share Registrar at (852) 2980 1333 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding Hong Kong public holidays).

Daphne International Holdings Limited

Note: Corporate Communication includes but not limited to annual reports, summary financial reports (where applicable), interim reports, summary interim reports (where applicable), notices of meetings, listing documents, circulars and forms of proxy.


刊 發 二 零 一 九 年 中 期 報 告(「本 次 公 司 通 訊」)的 通 知(附 註)

達芙妮國際控股有限公司(「本公司」)的本次公司通訊(英文及中文版本)已在本公司網站www.daphneholdings.com及香港交 易所披露易網站www.hkexnews.hk登載,以供 閣下閱覽。 閣下可於本公司網站按「投資者關係」項下所顯示的有關標題閱 覽本次公司通訊。

本公司及本公司於香港之股份過戶登記處卓佳秘書商務有限公司(「股份過戶登記處」),地址為香港皇后大道東183號合和 中心54樓,備有本次公司通訊的印刷本,以供股東要求索閱。

如 閣下因任何理由於瀏覽本次公司通訊或進入本公司網站時出現困難, 閣下可透過郵寄或以電郵方式(電郵地址為 is-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com),向本公司或股份過戶登記處,發出合理書面要求,即獲免費發送本次公司通訊之印刷本。

即使已揀選網上版本, 閣下仍有權隨時透過郵寄或電郵形式(電郵地址為is-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com),向本公司或股份過 戶登記處發出合理書面通知,要求更改收取公司通訊之收取方式及或語言版本之選擇。

如 閣下對本通知有任何查詢,請於星期一至星期五(香港公眾假期除外)上午九時至下午六時致電股份過戶登記處客戶服 務熱線,電話號碼為(852) 2980 1333

達 芙 妮 國 際 控 股 有 限 公 司


附註: 公司通訊包括但不限於年報、財務摘要報告(如適用)、中期報告、中期摘要報告(如適用)、會議通告、上市文件、通函及代表委 任表格。

*  for identification purpose only

  • 僅供識別


變 更 申 請 表

To: Daphne International Holdings Limited (the "Company")


達 芙 妮 國 際 控 股 有 限 公 司(「本 公 司」)

c/o Tricor Secretaries Limited (the "Share Registrar")


Level 54, Hopewell Centre


183 Queen's Road East

Hong Kong

Part A - To receive printed version of 2019 Interim Report (the "Current Corporate Communication"):

甲 部- 收 取 二 零 一 九 年 中 期 報 告(「本 次 公 司 通 訊」)之 印 刷 本:

Please tick the box, if appropriate


  • I/We would like to receive printed copies of the Current Corporate Communication.

Part B - To change the election of language and means of receipt of future Corporate Communication(Note 7) :

乙 部- 更 改 選 擇 日 後 收 取 公 司 通 訊(附註7之 語 言 版 本 及 方 式:

Please tick only ONEbox

請僅於其中一 個空格內填上「」號

  1. I/We would like to receive the printed Englishversion only of the Corporate Communication; OR
    本人吾等僅欲收取英 文版本之公司通訊印刷本;或
  2. I/We would like to receive the printed Chineseversion only of the Corporate Communication; OR
    本人吾等僅欲收取中 文版本之公司通訊印刷本;或
  3. I/We would like to receive both the printed English and the printed Chineseversions of the Corporate Communication; OR
    本人吾等欲同時收取英 文 及 中 文版本之公司通訊印刷本;或
  4. I/We would like to rely on the Corporate Communication posted on the Company's website in lieu of printed versions and to receive

email notification to my/our email address at(Note 5) of the publication of the Corporate Communication on the Company's website.

本人吾等欲依賴於 貴公司網站登載之公司通訊,以代替印刷本,並以本人吾等之電郵地址

(附註5收取有關 貴公司於網站登載公司通訊所發出之電郵通知。



  1. Both the English and the Chinese versions of all Corporate Communication will be available from the Company and the Share Registrar on request.

  2. 本公司及股份過戶登記處備有所有公司通訊之中英文版本以供索閱。
  3. If your shares are held in joint names, the joint holder whose name stands first on our register of members should sign on this form in order to be valid.
    • 閣下之股份屬聯名持有,於股東名冊內排名首位之聯名持有人須於本表格簽署後,方告有效。
  4. If you do not provide your email address, a printed notification of availability of the publication of the Corporate Communication on the Company's website will be sent by post to you at your address as appearing in the register of members maintained by the Share Registrar.
    • 閣下並無提供 閣下之電郵地址,我們將會透過郵遞方式向 閣下於股份過戶登記處存置的本公司股東名冊上所示之地址寄出有關本公司網站登載的公司通訊之可供閱覽通知。
  5. You have the right at any time by reasonable notice in writing to the Share Registrar or by email to is-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com to change the choice of language and means of receipt of the Corporate Communication.

  6. 閣下有權隨時向本公司之股份過戶登記處發出合理書面通知或發送電郵至is-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com,更改選擇收取公司通訊之語言版本及途徑。
  7. If you choose to rely on the version of the Corporate Communication posted on the Company's website in lieu of the printed versions, and for any reason you have difficulty in receiving or gaining access to the same, you will promptly upon request be sent the Corporate Communication in printed copy free of charge.
    • 閣下選擇依賴於本公司網站登載之公司通訊版本以代替印刷本,而基於任何理由 閣下在收取或查閱有關公司通訊時遇到困難,則本公司將應要求即時向 閣下免費寄發有關公司通訊之印 刷本。
  8. If you have any queries relating to this Change Request Form, please call the Customer Service Hotline of the Share Registrar at (852) 2980 1333 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding Hong Kong public holidays).
    • 閣下對本變更申請表有任何疑問,請於星期一至星期五(香港公眾假期除外)上午九時至下午六時,致電股份過戶登記處客戶服務熱線,電話號碼為(852) 2980 1333
  9. Corporate Communication includes but not limited to annual reports, summary financial reports (where applicable), interim reports, summary interim reports (where applicable), notices of meetings, listing documents, circulars and forms of proxy.

  10. 公司通訊包括但不限於年報、財務摘要報告(如適用)、中期報告、中期摘要報告(如適用)、會議通告、上市文件、通函及代表委任表格。

Name of Registered Shareholder 註冊股東姓名

Signature(s) 簽署

  • in English block letters 以英文正楷填寫)

Contact telephone number 聯絡電話號碼

Date 日期

Personal Information Collection Statement

收 集 個 人 資 料 聲 明

Your supply of Personal Data to the Company is on a voluntary basis for the purpose of processing your request for receiving the Corporate Communications in the manner chosen (the"Purpose")."Personal Data"in these statements has the same meaning as"personal data"in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap 486 "( PDPO"), which may include but not limited to your name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, and/or your choice.

閣下是自願提供個人資料,以用於處理 閣下就收取公司通訊而選擇的方式(「該用途」)。本聲明中所指的「個人資料」相等於《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章)的「個人資料」,當中可能包括但不限於 閣下的姓名、郵寄地址、電話號碼、電郵地址、及或 閣下之選擇。

Your Personal Data will be retained for such period as may be necessary to fulfil the Purpose. 閣下所提供的個人資料將就履行上述該用途所需的時間保留。

You have the right to request access to and/or correction of your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the PDPO. Any such request for access to and/or correction of your Personal Data should be in writing to the Company or Tricor Secretaries Limited at the above address for the attention of Privacy Compliance Officer.

閣下有權根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》中的條款,查閱及或修改 閣下的個人資料。任何相關查閱及或修改個人資料之要求均須以書面按上述地址送交本公司或卓佳秘書商務有限公司的私隱條例 事務主任提出。

(Please cut along the dotted line 請沿虛線剪下)

Mailing Label 郵寄標籤

Please cut the mailing label and stick this on an envelope to return the Change Request Form to us.

Tricor Secretaries Limited

No postage stamp is required for local mailing in Hong Kong



Freepost No. 簡便回郵號碼: 37

Hong Kong香港

如在本港投寄, 閣下無需支付郵費或貼上郵票


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Daphne International Holdings Limited published this content on 10 September 2019 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 10 September 2019 04:01:00 UTC