84,049 Ordinary Shares of CurveBeam AI Limited are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 5-JUN-2024. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 294 days starting from 16-AUG-2023 to 5-JUN-2024.

For both voluntary escrow and (subject to the qualification below) ASX escrow, any Shares ultimately issued as Contingent Merger Consideration (or the associated Top Up Merger Consideration) (see Section 11.6) will only be escrowed for the balance (if any) of the escrow period applicable to the respective holders? Closing Merger Consideration. For instance, in the case of Directors and other related parties and promoters, any Shares issued as Contingent Merger Consideration will be subject to ASX escrow for the balance of the 24 months commencing on the date the Company?s Shares are first quoted on ASX.

However, the Company has received in-principle advice from ASX that in the case of persons who are not related parties or promoters, ASX escrow will apply to Shares issued as Contingent Merger Consideration (or the associated Top-Up Merger Consideration) for 12 months from the date of their issue; even if that results in an escrow period longer than for persons who are related parties or promoters. The Company intends to clarify or otherwise confirm this outcome in connection with its application for admission to the Official List of the ASX.

The Company expects that on Listing, approximately 202,911,916 Shares will be subject to escrow arrangements, being approximately 75.7% of all Shares not issued under the Offer, and 63.4% of all Shares following the Offer.