CuDECO is moving forward with a 10-year open pit mining project in north west Queensland. Work at the Rocklands Project, west of Cloncurry, stalled in June when the company was forced to renegotiate how it would finance the project. It has since managed to reach an $83 million agreement with three major Chinese investors that was approved by its shareholders.

The company expected the mine to be fully operational in December 2015. Once complete, it will produce three million tonnes of copper concentrate per annum, for a buyer in China. At the moment the company continuing construction of the processing plant by finishing off the electrical installation and also beginning to recruit processing operators so when the company start commissioning, all are ready to go.

CuDECO claims Rocklands will be one of the lowest cost copper operations in Australia. Right now the company employs 125 workers on site. When the project is fully operational, this number will swell to 185.