Creative Medical Technology Holdings Inc. announced filing of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting clearance to initiate the first clinical trial using cellular immunotherapy for treatment of stroke. The proposed study will involve treatment of 4 groups of 8 patients per group. Treated patients will receive one intravenous injection of ImmCelZ® product at 0.5 X10(6) cells per kilogram; the second arm 1 X10(6) cells per kilogram; the third arm 2X10(6) cells per kilogram; and the fourth arm will serve as a control. Patients will be followed for a total of 6 months with both safety and efficacy being examined. The ImmCelz® treatment involves utilization of stem cells outside of the body to "reprogram" the patient's own immune cells so as to endow upon the immune cells regenerative activities. In contrast to other stem cell based approaches, the immune cells are significantly smaller in size than stem cells and are believed to more effectively penetrate areas of the damaged brain and induce regeneration.