
Equality Plan 2023

Gender Equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

United Nations sustainable development goal 5: Achieve Gender Equality and empower all women and girls.

Achieving Gender Equality requires the engagement of women and men, girls and boys. It is everyone's responsibility.

Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General between 2007 and 2017

Corticeira Amorim | Equality Plan 2023





1. Background


a) Diagnosis and priority intervention areas


- Dimension: Strategy, Mission and Values


- Dimension: Equal access to employment


- Dimension: Initial and ongoing training


- Dimension: Equal working conditions


- Dimension: Supporting working parents


- Dimension: Conciliation between professional,


family and personal life


- Dimension: Prevention of workplace harassment

b) Means and Resources


2. Equality Plan 2023


Corticeira Amorim | Equality Plan 2023


I. Introduction

Gender Equality indices in Europe, released in 2022 by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) indicate that, for the first time since 2010, there have been lower scores in several domains of this index, that assesses Gender Equality in various dimensions, such as work, money, knowledge, time, power and health.

The index reveals that progress towards equality in these dimensions in Europe, remains slow, with an increase of 0.6 recorded, compared to the global average index for 2021 (68.6 against 68.0). Portugal is below the European average, with a score of 62.8 in 2022.

Portugal is less well positioned in the occupation dimension (47.5 points), due to the fact that domestic tasks continue to be primarily performed by women (78%). The power dimension attained a score of 55.5, given that 40% of Parliament Members is composed by women and 31.4% of members of boards of directors are women. Portugal records the best score in the health dimension (85.4 points).

This EIGE's report highlighted the negative impact of the pandemic, with a decrease in the indicators across several dimensions.

Declining work participation scores indicate that women are increasingly likely to spend fewer years of their working lives in employment, thus hampering their career and retirement prospects.

Furthermore, fewer women than men participated in formal and informal educational activities in 2020. Given that the COVID-19 pandemic created unprecedented pressure on the health sector, the reversal in Gender Equality also had an impact on women, in terms of their health status and access to health services.

Theindexwouldhavesufferedanoveralldecreaseintheglobal score, if it hadn't been for the progress in the power dimen- sion. Much of the evolution in this field is due to increased participation of women in the economic and political decision-making process which, in turn, is linked to the introduction of quotas imposed due to the legislation in some EU member states.

With regard to equal access to opportunities, development and work, it is important to uphold efforts, and also increase the focus and intensity of actions. This is the only way to guarantee consistent and accelerated evolution in pursuit of

Gender Equality. Equality at work will certainly play a decisive

role in ensuring a general equality of rights.

Corticeira Amorim | Equality Plan 2023


1. Background

In addition to complying with all legal and regulatory obligations that determine the observance of various parameters within the framework of equality and non-discrimination, Corticeira Amorimhasdefined variousobjectives,goalsandaction plans in this context over recent years.

Thecompany'sEnvironment,Social&Governance(ESG)strat- egy, its alignment with the UN Sus-tainable Development Goals (SDGs) and, in particular, the commitment to the short and medium term goals established for seven of these goals, form the perfect basis for the presentation of an Equality Plan within the framework of gender issues. Corticeira Amorim's recent association with the UN Global Compact, whose explicit principlesinrelationtoworkpractises,includePrinciple


and occupation", which also testifies to the commitment assumed in this field.

Due to its relevance and alignment with its corporate posi- tioning, Corticeira Amorim is also an active partner in other

initiatives and entities that, in their purpose or activity, pursue

objectives linked to non-discrimination and equality.

ThecompanyimplementsitscommitmenttoGenderEquality via two fundamental axes:

  1. Internal and external commitment to issues of gender balance, definition of objectives, targets, action plans and respective monitoring;
  2. Awareness-raising,involvement and training of all employeesonGenderEqualityissues;

Itsubstantiatesthiscommitmentthroughtwospecific goals:

  • Increase the number of women in leadership positions;
  • Increasethenumberofwomeninthecompany's totalworkforce.

TheimportanceattributedtoGenderEquality issuesisevident from the outset in Human Resources policies, processes and practices, spanning from initial recruitment and selection, to development, performance evaluation, career development opportunitiesandsalarymanagementofCorticeiraAmorim's employees.

Theprinciplesofequalityandnon-discriminationareassumed and expressed in Corticeira Amorim's Code of Business Ethics and Professional Conduct, and also in its Human Rights and Human Resources Policies, which unequivocally prohibit gender-based discrimination and abuses: "Do not tolerate workplace harassment or discrimination, whether on grounds of ethnic origin or race, territory of origin or language, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, political or ideological opinions, union affiliation, family situation, class-basedsocial status, pregnancy or any other characteristic protected by law."

a) Diagnosis and Priority Intervention Areas

Maintaining its firm objective to promote Equity, Inclusion and Diversity, Corticeira Amorim is preparing a more global equality and inclusion programme. Gender Equality will continue to be a primordial axis and the programme aims to create conditions, in order to:

  1. Increase the representation of women amongst all Employees;
  2. Create more equal and inclusive contexts and working conditions;
  3. Promote in a systematic, structured and appropriate manner, cascaded and extended debate in the Organisation on diverse and inclusive contexts, based on quantitative and qualitative indicators, in the dimensionsofrepresentativeness,equityandculture.

The decision to begin this programme stems from identification ofareasforprogressionanddevelopmentinthecompany. It has been possible to identify several areas for development and improvement as a result of the diagnoses conducted over recent years, in particular the analysis associated to drawing

up Equality Plans, in line with the methodology recommended

by the CITE establishment of objectives and goals in this area, and definition of the relevance of this theme in terms of business life, propelled by its different stakeholders.

In an Organisation that has been historically marked by a predominantly male workforce, achieving balanced gender representation (goal: increase the proportion of women in the Organisation) is an essential pre-requisite in order for em- powerment of women to occur more quickly and naturally (goal: increase the number of women in leadership positions).

Corticeira Amorim | Equality Plan 2023


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Corticeira Amorim SGPS SA published this content on 24 January 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 24 January 2023 17:01:55 UTC.