COL Public Company Limited at the Board of Directors meeting no.2/2018 held on 23 February 2018, recommended the dividend payment from the Company's business operation for the year 2017 at the rate of THB 0.80 per share to 320,000,000 shareholders (at par value of THB 1.00 per share) for a total of THB 256,000,000 or payout at 50.97% of the Company's net profit (Consolidated Financial Statement). The record date for the right to receive dividend would fall on 17 April 2018 and the dividend would be paid on 30 April 2018. Thus, the rate of dividend payment is still subject to the approval of the 2018 AGM. If the 2018 AGM approve to change the par value of the Company's shares, the shareholders will receive dividends at the rate of THB 0.40 per share, with a par value of THB 0.50 per share.