12 September 2013

The Manager

Company Announcements
ASX Limited

Level 8, Exchange Plaza

2 The Esplanade


Dear Sir/Madam
CMA Corporation Limited and its related entities (Administrators Appointed) ACN 113 329 016

The Administrators are pleased to announce that the sale of the Port Hedland and Berrimah

(Darwin) businesses completed on 11 September 2013.
Sell & Parker, a family owned and operated business based in NSW, purchased the plant, equipment and stock. The property and equipment leases will also be assigned.
Sell & Parker intends to offer employment to the 20 remaining employees.
The sale also included the transfer of the freehold land at Port Hedland, which is expected to complete within the next month.
Yours faithfully
P.P. Carter, M.W. Ayres & N.J. Martin
Joint & Several Administrators


Level 46, MLC Centre

19 Martin Piace

Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5151

Sydney NSW 2001 t: +61 2 8116 3000 f: +61 2 8116 3111

www . ppbadvisory . com

PPB Pty Ltd trading as PPB Advisory ABN 67 972 164 718

Liability lim1ted by a scheme approved under Professionat Standards Legislat1on

PPB Pty Ltd has associated buiindependent entilles and partnerships

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