
A new report has highlighted the growing number of Britons who have a standard of living that falls well below that which would be expected in one of the most advanced nations on the planet.

The Poverty and Social Exclusion (PSE) report - funded by the Economic and Social Research Council - revealed up to 18 million people living up and down the UK currently face serious concerns regarding financial hardship.

This is a problem that has become more acute over the last three decades, with the number of individuals dealing with PSE issues growing from 14 per cent in the mid-1980s to 33 per cent today. This is despite a doubling in the size of the UK economy over the same period.

Details of the report revealed almost 18 million people currently cannot afford to attain an adequate standard of living, with 28 per cent of respondents to the research stating they have skimped on how much they eat at times within the last year to ensure there is enough food for others in their household.

Moreover, one in three people said they could not afford to properly heat their home in winter, while four million adults and children could be suffering from malnourishment as a result of not having enough food to eat.

Responding to the results, Professor David Gordon from the Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research at the University of Bristol said: "The coalition government aimed to eradicate poverty by tackling the causes of poverty. Their strategy has clearly failed.

"The available high quality scientific evidence shows that poverty and deprivation have increased since 2010, the poor are suffering from deeper poverty and the gap between the rich and poor is widening."

Individuals faced with serious financial concerns should consider the benefit of seeking independent financial advice. Financial hardship can be debilitating in the impact it has on a person's wellbeing, so receiving professional advice on money matters can help to set their mind at ease.

Posted by Amy White

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