Byzen Digital Inc. announced that it has mutually agreed with its Strategic Partner, The Axiom Partnership, to terminate its commercial relationship. Over the last 12 months, the Axiom Partnership has identified both start-ups and small - medium enterprise technology company acquisition targets that are at various stages of the due diligence process. It has also helped to establish a consulting arm of the business that assists companies in the sector by utilizing the skill and experience of the strong Byzen Digital Advisory Board. After two very successful meetings in the last three weeks between Byzen Digital and the OTC Markets Group, it is absolutely clear that the Company is ready for the next stage of its journey. As such it is essential that the right partners are in place to be able to support the uplisting strategy to the OTC QB. With the status of an OTC QB listing, Byzen Digital is highly confident that it can better execute and deliver on its merger and acquisition strategy. Therefore going forward, commercial activities will be more focused in the United States and Byzen Digital plans to soon establish an office in the U.S., making the region the primary focus for its operational activities. As part of the termination, The Axiom Partnership will relinquish the 60 million shares it was granted in the company, which will be deposited back in the Byzen Digital treasury.