Citrus Leisure PLC announced the reconstitution of Board Sub-Committees. Following the aforesaid changes in the directorate, the Board Sub-Committees were reconstituted effective from 3rd May 2024, and the new composition is as follows; Audit Committee: Mr. P L P Withana - Independent Non-Executive Director - Chairman of the Committee, Mr. R G Seneviratne ? Independent Non-Executive Director - Member, Mr. S D De Mel - Independent Non-Executive Director - Member, Mr. S A Ameresekere ?

Non-Independent Non-Executive Director Member. Remuneration Committee: Mr. R G Seneviratne ? Independent Non-Executive Director - Chairman of the Committee, Mr. J M B Pilimatalawwe ?

Non-Independent Non-Executive Director ? Member, Mr. S D De Mel - Independent Non-Executive Director - Member. Related Party Transactions Review Committee: Mr. P L P Withana - Independent Non-Executive Director - Chairman of the Committee, Mr. S D De Mel - Independent Non-Executive Director- Member, Mr. S A Ameresekere ?

Non -Independent Non-Executive Director ? Member.