CMP 201211260012A
Changes to the Board of directors

Cipla Medpro South Africa Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2002/018027/06)
Share code: CMP
ISIN: ZAE000128179
(ôCipla Medproö or the "Company")

Changes to the Board of directors

Shareholders are informed that Mr Chris Aucamp has resigned as Chief Financial Officer and
executive director of Cipla Medpro with immediate effect. Mr Aucamp has agreed to remain in the
employment of the subsidiary Medpro Pharmaceutica Proprietary Limited, where he will remain as a
director, until at least 31 March 2013. Mr Aucamp will provide assistance to Cipla Medpro, as
required, with regard to the finalisation of the 2012 year-end audit and annual financial statements
as well as a hand over to the new Chief Financial Officer.

Shareholders are further notified that Mr Mark Daly has been appointed as the Chief Financial
Officer of Cipla Medpro and as an executive director of the Company with effect from 26 November
2012. Mr Daly is a chartered accountant and holds a B.Com Honours degree in accounting from the
University of Natal Pietermaritzburg. He currently serves as Company Secretary for Cipla Medpro
and Financial Director of the manufacturing division in Durban. Mr Daly has been with the Cipla
Medpro group for almost 6 years and prior to that he was a manager in the Corporate Finance and
Auditing departments at KPMG.

The appointment of a new company secretary will be announced in due course.

26 November 2012

Nedbank Capital

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