Glory Mark Hi-Tech (Holdings) Limited announced that Dr. Chen Xiaofeng has been appointed as an executive Director with effect from 17 February 2022. Dr. Chen Xiaofeng, aged 32, obtained a bachelor's degree in laws from Shenzhen University, Master of Laws in International Economic Law and Doctor of Juridical Science in law from City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Chen is a director and a founder of Darelove Technology Limited, the chief scientist and legal adviser of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center for Hong Kong and Macao Youth in Shenzhen North Railway Station, Senior Consultant of Guangdong Menghai Law Firm, etc.

He has extensive experiences in policy, legal, strategic research and senior executive management. Also, Dr. Chen is a member of Chinese Association of Hong Kong & Macao Studies, a member of the council of Hong Kong Basic Law and Macau Basic Law Research Association of China Law Society, Vice President of Hong Kong Basic Law Education Association, a visiting professor of Guangxi Nanning Normal University, guest researcher of The Center for Basic Laws of Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions in Shenzhen University, etc. For public services in Hong Kong, Dr. Chen is a member of the election committee of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, a panel member of the Municipal Services Appeals Board under Chief Secretary for Administration's office, a member of Standing Committee on STEM Education of Curriculum Development Council of Education Bureau, etc.