The Board of China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation announced that on 30 April 2024, the company received the approval from the National Financial Regulatory Administration on the qualifications of Ms. Jia Xiangxiang and Mr. Zhou Zheng. Pursuant to the approval, the National Financial Regulatory Administration approved the qualifications of Ms. Jia Xiangxiang and Mr. Zhou Zheng as directors of the Company. The terms of office of Ms. Jia Xiangxiang as a non-executive director of the Company, a member and the vice chairlady of the audit committee, a member of the nomination and remuneration committee and a member of the risk management committee under the Board, and Mr. Zhou Zheng as a non-executive director of the Company, a member of the strategy and sustainable development committee, a member and the vice chairman of the related-party transactions control committee under the Board come into effect from 28 April 2024 until the expiry of the term of the fifth session of the Board and are eligible for re-election upon expiry of their terms of office.

Mr. Zhou Zheng ceased to serve as a supervisor assigned to China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation by Central Huijin Investment Ltd. The Board further announced that Mr. Li Wenfeng has tendered his resignation as the non-executive director of the Company, a member of the nomination and remuneration committee, a member and the vice chairman of the related-party transactions control committee of the Board due to work re-arrangement. The resignation of Mr. Li Wenfeng comes into effect from the date when the letter of resignation from Mr. Li Wenfeng has been served on the Board on 7 May 2024.