The board of directors of China Development Bank International Investment Limited announced the following changes: The Board announced that Mr. LU Yanpo ("Mr. LU") has been appointed as a non-executive director with effect from 11 February 2022. Mr. LU Yanpo graduated from Tsinghua University with a Master's Degree in Public Administration and has over 15 years of experience in loan management, administration management, risk management and investment management. Mr. LU has successively served as a Risk Management Manager of Credit Review Department (at the Deputy-director level) of China Development Bank, Deputy Division Director of Credit Review Department of China Development Bank, Deputy General Manager and General Manager of Human Resources Department of CDB Capital Co.

Ltd., President of China Development Bank International Holdings Limited and Operations Director of CDB Capital Co. Ltd. The Board further announces that, Mr. LU has been appointed as a member of the Nomination Committee, the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee with effect from 11 February 2022. The Board further announces that, Mr. BAI Zhe ("Mr. BAI") has ceased to be and Mr. LU has been appointed as the authorised representative of the Company under Rule 3.05 of the Listing Rules (the "Authorized Representative") with effect from 11 February 2022.

Mr. BAI will continue to serve as an executive director, the chairman of the Board and the chairman of the Nomination Committee.