Change Healthcare announced major new enhancements to its claim attachments solution. These enhancements will create the industry’s first nationwide solution to enable providers to submit documents and data, such as claims attachments, electronically to all payers in both the Medical and Workers’ Compensation market segments. Built on the Change HealthcareIntelligent Healthcare Platform™, the claim attachments solution goes beyond myriad fragmented workflows and paper-based processes that providers currently use to exchange clinical and other supporting documentation with payers. With this new capability, providers can submit documents and/or clinical data required for claim adjudication and reach any payer in the country––all through a single workflow. Providers currently face a complex, manual environment for document and data exchange with payers. The new capability helps to increase provider efficiency, reduce errors, improve manageability, and speed cash flow while reducing administrative costs. The total national savings opportunity by adopting electronic claim attachments is estimated to be over $200 million. The new claim attachments solution also sets the stage for new uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. Change Healthcare is already applying AI to automate medical documentation review for Risk Adjustment and Payment Integrity use cases. While it often takes 40 minutes or longer for humans to review a medical record for coding accuracy, AI is able to read and process the same medical record in just 40 seconds, improving productivity by as much as 50% for certain clinical or coding reviews. The claim attachments solution complements that capability by creating a simple electronic submission path directly into the Change Healthcare AI services. Future generations of the offering will continue to expand the network, workflows, and capabilities, such as coupling this single document and data exchange network with AI-empowered logic, to anticipate data sharing requirements earlier. The claims attachment solution has already enabled the exchange of over half a million supporting claim documents between early-adopter payers and their providers. The Change Healthcare Intelligent Healthcare Platform has one of the large clinical and financial healthcare networks in the U.S., processing nearly 14 billion healthcare transactions and approximately $1 trillion in adjudicated claims, or approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare expenditures.