PR Newswire/Les Echos/

The acquisition of a 12 cinema theater property portfolio let to UGC has 

With the conditions precedent having been satisfied, namely CFI's election to
the SIIC tax regime, the acquisition by CFI's subsidiary, CFI-Image, of an 11
cinema theater property portfolio let to UGC Ciné Cité from CNP-Assurances,
has closed on 13 February 2009. In addition, CFI-Image acquired the UGC Lille
down town cinema complex from UGC Ciné Cité.

The acquired assets are secured by new 12-year leases which provide a total net
rental income of EUR12.8 million on an annual basis and were acquired for 
EUR153 million.

The acquisition was funded by a EUR98 million mortgage loan arranged by a top
ranking bank consortium, equity and a mandatory convertible bond. CFI currently
holds 95% of the share capital of its subsidiary along with UGC Ciné Cité
which holds a 5% stake in CFI-Image. CFI and UGC Ciné Cité have entered into a
liquidity agreement in relation to CFI-Image which provides for drag/tag along
rights and call options.

Going forward, CFI and UGC will look to jointly identify potential new
opportunities relating to similar property assets to further develop their
strategic partnership.

Investors' relation:  
33 1 40 07 81 03

72, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris 
Tél. 01 40 07 81 03 / Fax. 01 40 07 85 12 / 
Société Anonyme au capital de 25 625 720 euros - 542 033 295 R.C.S
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