MATERIAL FACT NOTICE CCX CARVÃO DA COLOMBIA S.A CNPJ/MF (Corporate Taxpayers' Registry) No. 07.950.674/0001-04 NIRE (Company Registration ID) No. 33.300.278.443 Publicly-held Company CCX Carvão da Colômbia S.A. ("CCX"), in compliance with Article 157, paragraph 4, of Law No.

6.404/76 and in accordance with Ruling No. 358/02 of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários - CVM), hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that it received, on this date, the following notice from its controlling shareholder, Mr. Eike Fuhrken Batista:

"The current scenario of increasing deterioration of the Brazilian stock market conditions, including in relation to CCX and other companies involved in the tender offer to acquire CCX's shares for the cancellation of the company's registration as a publicly-held company ("Tender Offer") does not represent the ideal environment to maintain the current terms of the Tender Offer. Therefore, I hereby communicate I will withdraw the Tender Offer, reserving the right to reconsider to accomplish it upon the improvement of basic market conditions. The withdrawal request in the terms described above will be duly presented on this date to the CVM."

The Company will keep its shareholders and the market duly informed of any strategic decisions taken in view of such decision of its controlling shareholder.
Rio de Janeiro, June 19, 2013. José Gustavo de Souza Costa
CEO and Investor Relations Director
CCX Carvão da Colômbia S.A.

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