CASSONA asks all shareholders to get in touch with the investor relations department and to report the current amount of CASSONA shares.

The share capital of CASSONA SE is divided up in 2'250'000 non-par value bearer shares, which are in free float. To prepare the new public listing of the shares at another international stock exchange, we need to gain enhanced knowledge about our current shareholder structure. At the same time we intend to receive the opportunity to enter into direct communication with you, to always keep you updated on all important news and developments concerning CASSONA SE.

Face to the wide range of existing shareholders, we would prefer to communicate with youper email via

We are asking all our shareholders of CASSONA SE to get in touch with our investor relations department. Please inform us about the amount of CASSONA shares you currently own. Please send us therefore the banking confirmation in form of your last bank account statement.

Investor Relations
Schubertstrasse 14
60325 Frankfurt am Main


CASSONA 2015-01-22 EN
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