Note: This document has been translated from a part of the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail. The Company assumes no responsibility for this translation or for direct, indirect or any other forms of damages arising from the translation.

(Stock Exchange Code 4275) Date of sending by postal mail: June 11, 2024

Start date of measures for electronic provision: June 4, 2024

To Shareholders with Voting Rights:

Hirofumi Kaneko

Representative Director and President &


Carlit Holdings Co., Ltd.

1-17-10, Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan


Dear Shareholders:

We are pleased to announce the 11th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Carlit Holdings Co., Ltd. (the "Company"), which will be held as indicated below.

When convening this general meeting of shareholders, the Company takes measures for providing in electronic format the information that constitutes the content of reference documents for the general meeting of shareholders, etc. (items subject to measures for electronic provision). This information is posted on each of the following websites, so please access either of those websites to confirm the information.

The Company's website: (in Japanese)

Website for posted informational materials for the general meeting of shareholders: (in Japanese)

TSE website (Listed Company Search): (in Japanese)

(Access the TSE website by using the internet address shown above, enter "Carlit Holdings" in "Issue name (company name)" or the Company's securities code "4275" in "Code," and click "Search." Then, click "Basic information" and select "Documents for public inspection/PR information." Under "Filed information available for public inspection," click "Click here for access" under "[Notice of General Shareholders Meeting /Informational Materials for a General Shareholders Meeting].")

Instead of attending the meeting in person, you may exercise your voting rights in writing or via the Internet or similar means. Please review the attached Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders on pages 5 to 17, and exercise your voting rights by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, Japan time, in accordance with "Guidance on Exercising Voting Rights" on pages 3 to 4.

1. Date and Time: Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 10 a.m. Japan time

Reception start time: 9:30 a.m.

2. Place:

Conference room at the Head Office located at

Sumitomo Corporation Kyobashi Bldg. 7F,

1-17-10, Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

- 1 -

3. Meeting Agenda:

Matters to be reported: (1) The Business Report, the Consolidated Financial Statements for the

Company's 11th Fiscal Year (April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024), and the results of audits of the Consolidated Financial Statements by the Accounting Auditor and the Audit & Supervisory Board

  1. The Non-Consolidated Financial Statements for the Company's 11th Fiscal Year (April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024)

Proposals to be resolved:

Proposal 1: Appropriation of Surplus

Proposal 2: Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation

Proposal 3: Election of Eight (8) Directors

Proposal 4: Election of Two (2) Audit & Supervisory Board Members

  • In the event that no vote for or against the proposals is indicated in the Voting Rights Exercise Form, it will be handled as a vote in favor of the proposal.
  • When attending the meeting, please submit the Voting Rights Exercise Form at the reception desk.
  • When attending the meeting, please bring this Notice with you for resource saving purposes.
  • There will be no gifts given out to those who attend the General Meeting of Shareholders. We seek your kind understanding on this matter.
  • If you wish to revise your votes after exercising your voting rights online, we ask that you exercise your voting rights again using the method described on page 4. If you exercise your voting rights multiple times online, only the votes from the final instance are valid.
  • Shareholders will be responsible for the expense of connecting to the Internet when exercising voting rights online.
  • Although we have checked that common Internet-enabled devices work properly with the online voting options, the options may not be available with some devices or in some circumstances.
  • In the event of a correction to the items subject to measures for electronic provision, a notice that the correction was made, together with the information before and after the correction, will be posted on the websites where the information is provided.
  • In accordance with a revision of the Companies Act, in principle you are to check items subject to measures for electronic provision by accessing the websites where the information is provided, and we will deliver paper-based documents stating the items only to shareholders who request the delivery of paper-based documents by the record date. However, for this general meeting of shareholders, we have delivered paper-based documents stating the items subject to measures for electronic provision to all shareholders, regardless of whether or not they have requested them.
    In addition, among the items subject to measures for electronic provision, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and Article 16 of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company, the following items are not provided in the paper-based documents that are sent.
    1. "System for Ensuring the Appropriateness of Operations and the Operation Status of This System" in the Business Report
    2. "Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity" and "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" in the Consolidated Financial Statements
    3. "Non-consolidatedStatement of Changes in Equity" and "Notes to Non-consolidated Financial Statements" in the Non-consolidated Financial Statements

Therefore the Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements, and Non-consolidated Financial Statements listed in these documents constitute a portion of the documents which are audited when the accounting audit report is prepared by the Accounting Auditor and the audit report is created by the Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

- 2 -

Guidance on Exercising Voting Rights

Voting at the general meeting of shareholders is an important right for all shareholders. Please exercise your voting rights after reviewing the Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Please exercise your voting rights in one of the following three ways.

For General Meeting of Shareholders attendees

Please submit the Voting Rights Exercise Form at the reception desk.

Date and time

Thursday, June 27, 2024,

at 10 a.m. Japan time

(reception start time: 9:30 a.m.)

For exercising your voting rights in writing (by mail)

Please indicate your vote for or against the proposals on the Voting Rights Exercise Form and return it.

Note: Please use the enclosed sticker to cover the information you enter.

Deadline for exercising voting rights

Wednesday, June 26, 2024,

at 5 p.m. Japan time

For exercising your voting

rights online

Please follow the directions on the next page to enter your vote for or against the proposals.

Deadline for exercising voting rights

Wednesday, June 26, 2024,

at 5 p.m. Japan time

How to Fill Out the Voting Rights Exercise Form

Please indicate your approval or disapproval of each proposal.

Proposals 1 and 2

To mark your approval Circle "Approve."

To mark your disapproval Circle "Disapprove."

Proposals 3 and 4

To mark your approval for all candidates

Circle "Approve."

To mark your disapproval for all candidates Circle "Disapprove."

To mark your disapproval for certain candidates

Note: The actual Voting Rights Exercise Form may differ from the image. Circle "Approve" and write the number of the candidate(s) you wish to disapprove.

If you exercise your voting rights by mail and online, only your online votes are valid. If you exercise your voting rights multiple times online, only the votes from the final instance are valid.

- 3 -

Exercising Voting Rights Online

"Smart Voting®" by scanning the login QR Code

Please scan the QR Code provided at the bottom right of the Voting Rights Exercise Form.

You can simply log in to the Voting Rights Exercise Website without entering your voting rights exercise code and password.

The agendas for the General Meeting of Shareholders are available for reference on the Smart Voting page.

Details of proposals

You can only use Smart Voting once to exercise your voting rights.

If you need to make a correction to the content of your vote after you have exercised your voting rights, please access the website for personal computer and exercise your voting rights again using the method explained below.

  • You can access the website for personal computer by scanning the login QR Code again.
  • "QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

Voting rights exercise code/password entry

Voting Rights Exercise Website

Visit the Voting Rights

Enter the voting rights exercise code

Exercise Website.

given on the Voting Rights Exercise Form.

Please enter the password given on the Voting Rights Exercise Form.

Click "Next"

Enter the voting rights exercise code

Enter your password

Click "Next"

Please register a new password

(on first use only)

Click "Register"

Note: The actual screen displayed to you may differ from the image.

Please follow the instructions on the screen to enter your votes.

If you have any questions about how to exercise your voting rights online using a personal computer, smartphone, or cell phone, please contact:

Internet Help Dial, Stock Transfer Agency Department,

Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.


(Hours: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Japan time every day except New Year holidays)

Institutional investors may use the platform for institutional investors to exercise voting rights electronically operated by ICJ, Inc.

- 4 -

Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders

Proposals and References

Proposal 1: Appropriation of Surplus

We believe that providing an appropriate return of profits to shareholders is one of our most important management tasks. We therefore abide by the basic policy of "continuously paying and raising stable dividends" in our profit appropriation while endeavoring to secure internal reserves required to take effective measures to address future-oriented initiatives: R&D efforts to develop original businesses with growth potential, the vitalization of existing businesses, and the expansion of business fields. Also, we have positioned "stable performance linked dividends" as one of the important measures in our Medium-term Management Plan entitled "Challenge 2024: Grow Up Plan 2024."

In light of the Company's results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 and these initiatives, we hereby propose to pay a year-end ordinary dividend of ¥33 per share for the fiscal year as follows.

  1. Type of dividend property: Cash
  2. Matters concerning allotment of dividend property to shareholders and the total amount thereof Amount for each common stock of the Company: ¥33 per share
    Total amount to be distributed: ¥790,607,499
  3. Effective date for the dividends of surplus: June 28, 2024

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Proposal 2: Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation 1. Reasons for the amendment

Since October 2013, the Group has been working to strengthen our competitiveness and promote growth under a pure holding company structure. As originally intended, we have separated management and business operations under a pure holding company structure to achieve overall optimization from the perspective of group management, and by addressing management issues such as structural reform of existing businesses and improvement of financial strength, we are now on track to overcome these challenges. Based on this, we have determined that it is optimal to change the Group's organizational structure in order to accelerate decision- making, streamline administrative divisions, and rebalance personnel as part of our strategy to "rebuild our business infrastructure," with the aim of achieving the "our vision for the Company in 2030," as stated in our Medium-term Management Plan entitled "Challenge 2024," which began in fiscal year 2022, as well as improving our PBR.

For the above reasons, effective October 1, 2024 (scheduled), the Company will merge with its wholly owned subsidiaries, Japan Carlit Co., Ltd. and Silicon Technology Corporation, and transition from a pure holding company to an operating holding company. Prior to this, effective July 1, 2024, the Company will amend Article 1 (Trade Name) and Article 2 (Purpose) of the current Articles of Incorporation and establish new supplementary provisions.

The reasons for each amendment to the Articles of Incorporation are as follows.

(1) Trade name

Prior to the merger, the Company's trade name will be changed to Carlit Co., Ltd. By retaining the name "Carlit," which has been familiar to our customers since our founding, our aim is to renew the Group's image and further enhance our corporate value in order to realize our Medium-term Management Plan entitled "Challenge 2024" as well as the "our vision for the Company in 2030," based on our management philosophy of "For Confidence and Infinite Challenge," which we have cultivated over the years.

(2) Change in business purpose

In accordance with the transition from a pure holding company to an operating holding company, Article 2 (Purpose) of the current Articles of Incorporation is to be changed to match the business after the transition.

(3) New supplementary provisions

Accompanying the aforementioned changes, supplementary provisions regarding the effective date, etc. will be established.

2. Details of the amendments

The details of the amendment are as follows:

(Changes indicated with an underline)

Current Articles of Incorporation

Proposed amendments

Article 1.

(Trade Name)

Article 1. (Trade Name)

The name of the Company shall be Carlit Holdings Co.,

The name of the Company shall be Carlit Co., Ltd.


Article 2.


Article 2. (Purpose)

The purpose of the Company shall be to engage in the

The purpose of the Company shall be to engage in the

following businesses.

following businesses.

(Newly added)


Manufacture and trading of explosives,

pyrotechnics, and other general explosives

(Newly added)


Manufacture and trading of chlorates, chlorites,

perchlorates, and other general chemical products

(Newly added)


Manufacture and trading of agrochemicals and

agricultural materials

(Newly added)


Manufacture and trading of electronic components

and raw materials for electronic components

(Newly added)


Manufacture and trading of functional materials

(Newly added)


Manufacture and trading of raw materials for

- 6 -

Current Articles of Incorporation

Proposed amendments

reagents and quasi-drugs

(Newly added)


Manufacture and trading of grinding materials and

other general electrochemical products

(Newly added)

(8) Design, manufacture, installation, trading, lease,

and technical guidance of chemical machinery and


(Newly added)


Design, construction, and supervision of

buildings, electrical structures, and plumbing


(Newly added)


Power generation businesses that use renewable

energy sources, etc., as well as their management,

operation, and trading of electricity

(Newly added)



transportation, treatment, and

recycling of industrial waste

(Newly added)


Contracted hazard evaluation testing and related

services as well as consulting services

(Newly added)


Contract calibration and consulting services for

DC voltage and current generators and measuring

devices, etc.

(Newly added)


Contract testing and consulting services for

rechargeable batteries

(Newly added)


Manufacture, processing, and trading of silicon

materials for electronic components, etc.

(Newly added)


Manufacture and trading of optical equipment as

well as semiconductor parts and jigs

(Newly added)


Refurbishing, processing, and trading of

semiconductors and electronic components

(Newly added)


Manufacture and trading of semiconductor

manufacturing equipment as well as precision

equipment and devices

(Newly added)


General trucking and warehousing businesses

(1)Control and management of the business activities


Control and management of the business activities

of domestic and foreign companiesengaged in

of domestic and foreign corporationsengaged in

various businesses by acquiring, transferring, or

various businesses by acquiring, transferring, or

owning shares or equity interests in said

owning shares or equity interests in said




Providing management guidance, support, and


Providing management guidance, support, and

management, as well as operational support and

management, as well as operational support and

management, including accounting, general


including accounting, general

affairs, human resources, and R&D, for domestic

affairs, human resources, and R&D, for domestic

and foreign companiesengaged in various

and foreign corporationsengaged in various



(3)Acquisition, maintenance, transfer, and licensing


Acquisition, maintenance, transfer, and licensing

of intellectual property rights, as well as

of intellectual property rights, as well as

acquisition, transfer, leasing, and management and

acquisition, transfer, leasing, and management and

operation of real estate

operation of real estate

(4)Guarantees for loans and borrowings


Guarantees for loans and borrowings

(5)Businesses incidental and related to each of the


Allbusinesses incidental and related to each of the

preceding items

preceding items


Various businesses


Various businesses

(Newly added)

(Supplementary Provisions)

Article 1.

Amendments to Articles 1 and 2 of these Articles of

Incorporation shall take effect on July 1, 2024.

Article 2.

The preceding Article and this Article shall be deleted

upon effectuation of the preceding Article.

- 7 -

Proposal 3: Election of Eight (8) Directors

The terms of office of all six (6) Directors will expire at the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. We hereby propose that eight (8) Directors be elected, including three (3) Directors to be newly appointed.

The candidates for Director are as follows:



Current position and responsibilities in the


Representative Director and President &


Hirofumi Kaneko



In charge of the Internal Audit Office

Director and Executive Officer

In charge of the Chemicals Products segment


Fumio Ogawa

In charge of the Corporate Planning


Department and General Manager of

Corporate Planning Department

Director and Executive Officer


Yoji Yamaguchi

In charge of the Group Research &



Executive Officer

In charge of the Metal Working segment


Hideo Okamoto

New appointment

In charge of the Legal Affairs & Compliance

Division and the Finance Division

Executive Officer


Shigenobu Takahashi

In charge of the Carbon Neutral Promotion

New appointment

and Production Quality Control Department


Seiichi Shimbo

Outside Director





Yukari Murayama

Outside Director





Yasuhiro Fujiwara

Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member

New appointment




Candidate for reappointment as Director

New appointment Candidate for new appointment as Director


Candidate for Outside Director


Independent Director as stipulated by stock exchanges

- 8 -


Past experience, positions, and responsibilities (significant concurrent positions)

Number of


shares of the

(Date of birth)

Company held

April 1984

Joined Japan Carlit Co., Ltd.

June 2015

Executive Officer of the Company

President and Representative Director, General Manager, Sales

Headquarters, Japan Carlit Co., Ltd.

June 2016

Director, Executive Officer, Supervisor, Group Sales of the


President and Representative Director, Japan Carlit Co., Ltd.

April 2018

Director, Managing Executive Officer, Supervisor, Group Sales


Department of the Company

June 2020

President and Representative Director, in charge of Research &

Development Center, Internal Audit Office of the Company

April 2023

Representative Director and President & CEO, in charge of


Corporate Planning Department and Internal Audit Office of the



Hirofumi Kaneko

April 2024

Representative Director and President & CEO, in charge of

(April 30, 1960)

Internal Audit Office of the Company (to present)

[Reason for selection as a candidate for Director]

Mr. Hirofumi Kaneko has served the position of Representative Director and President & CEO of the

Company after he served as President and Representative Director at Japan Carlit Co., Ltd., and

Director, Managing Executive Officer, and Supervisor, Group Sales Department and Group Strategy

Department of the Company. Since becoming Representative Director, he has demonstrated

outstanding leadership in formulating and implementing "Challenge 2024," the Medium-term

Management Plan, and has been a driving force for the Group. He has a proven track record in the

overall management of the Group and the formulation of management strategies, as well as a wealth

of management experience. He is selected as a candidate for Director because he is expected to

contribute to improving the effectiveness of the Board of Directors' supervisory and decision-making

functions as well as increasing the Group's corporate value through his participation in deliberations

and decision-making.

March 1991

Joined Japan Carlit Co., Ltd.

April 2016

General Manager, Electronic Materials Division, Sales

Headquarters, Japan Carlit Co., Ltd.

April 2020

General Manager, Sales Headquarters, General Manager,

Chemical Agents Division, General Manager, Electronic

Materials Division, Japan Carlit Co., Ltd.

July 2021

Executive Officer, General Manager, Sales Headquarters, Japan

Carlit Co., Ltd.

April 2022

Executive Officer of the Company


Director, General Manager, Sales Headquarters, Japan Carlit

Co., Ltd.

June 2023

Director, Executive Officer, in charge of the Chemical Products

segment of the Company


Representative Director and President & CEO, Japan Carlit Co.,

Ltd. (to present)


Fumio Ogawa

April 2024

Director, Executive Officer, in charge of the Chemical Products

(March 21, 1967)

segment, in charge of the Corporate Planning Department,

General Manager of Corporate Planning Department of the

Company (to present)

[Reason for selection as a candidate for Director]

Mr. Fumio Ogawa has served in the position of Representative Director and President & CEO of Japan

Carlit Co., Ltd. as well as Director and officer in charge of the Corporate Planning Department of the

Company, after he served as Assistant General Manager of the Sales Headquarters, General Manager

of the Chemicals Division, and General Manager of the Electronic Materials Division at Japan Carlit

Co., Ltd., and Executive Officer and General Manager of the Sales Headquarters at Japan Carlit Co.,

Ltd. He has extensive knowledge and experience in the Group's sales and corporate planning

departments, including the planning and execution of sales and management strategies. He is selected

as a candidate for Director because he is expected to contribute to improving the effectiveness of the

Board of Directors' supervisory and decision-making functions as well as increasing the Group's

corporate value through his participation in deliberations and decision-making.

- 9 -


Past experience, positions, and responsibilities (significant concurrent positions)

Number of


shares of the

(Date of birth)

Company held

April 1988

Joined Japan Carlit Co., Ltd.

October 2011

General Manager, New Product Development Office, Japan

Carlit Co., Ltd.

October 2013

Assistant Director, Research & Development Center of the


April 2018

General Manager, Engineering Group, Akagi Plant, Production

Headquarters, Head of the Material Hazard Assessment Testing


Laboratory, Japan Carlit Co., Ltd.

April 2019

Director, Silicon Technology Corporation

April 2022

Executive Officer of the Company

June 2022

COO, Silicon Technology Corporation (to present)


June 2023

Director, Executive Officer of the Company


Yoji Yamaguchi

April 2024

Director, Executive Officer, in charge of Group Research &

(June 3, 1965)

Development of the Company (to present)

[Reason for selection as a candidate for Director]

Mr. Yoji Yamaguchi has served in the position of Director of Silicon Technology Corporation and

Director in charge of Group Research & Development of the Company after he served as General

Manager of New Product Development Office at Japan Carlit Co., Ltd., Assistant Director of the

Research & Development Center of the Company, General Manager of Akagi Plant, Production

Headquarters, and Head of the Material Hazard Assessment Testing Laboratory at Japan Carlit Co.,

Ltd. He has extensive knowledge and experience in the Group's research and development, with a

background in the development of various new products related to dye raw materials and silicon

wafers. He is selected as a candidate for Director because he is expected to contribute to improving

the effectiveness of the Board of Directors' supervisory and decision-making functions as well as

increasing the Group's corporate value through his participation in deliberations and decision-making.

April 1985

Joined The Fuji Bank, Limited (currently Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)

August 2006

Assistant Director, Group Strategy Department, Mizuho

Financial Group, Inc.

April 2012

General Manager, Legal Affairs Office, Mizuho Trust &

Banking Co., Ltd.

October 2013

General Manager, Legal Affairs Division, Head of Internal

Audit Office of the Company

June 2019

Director, Executive Officer, Supervisor, Group Management

Department, and General Manager, Legal Affairs & Compliance


Division of the Company

June 2020

Director, Executive Officer, in charge of Finance Division, IT

Systems Promotion Division, Legal Affairs & Compliance

Division, and General Manager, Legal Affairs & Compliance

Division of the Company

[New appointment]

October 2023

Executive Officer, in charge of Metal Working segment of the


Hideo Okamoto


In charge of Finance Division, Legal Affairs & Compliance

(July 15, 1961)

Division of the Company (to present)

Director, Executive Officer, Japan Carlit Co., Ltd. (to present)

[Reason for selection as a candidate for Director]

Mr. Hideo Okamoto has experience in corporate planning in the trust and asset management divisions

of Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. as well as overseas operations at Mizuho Bank, Ltd. He has been

involved in the Company's legal affairs, compliance, and internal audit since 2013, and currently

serves as an Executive Officer of the Company in charge of the Finance and Legal Affairs &

Compliance Divisions, as well as the Metal Working segment (Namitakiko Co., Ltd. and Toyo Spring

Industrial Co., Ltd.). He has extensive knowledge and experience in finance and accounting gained

during his time in banking, and has a proven track record of raising the level of legal compliance of

the Group as an officer in charge of the Compliance Committee. He is selected as a candidate for

Director because he is expected to contribute to improving the effectiveness of the Board of Directors'

supervisory and decision-making functions as well as increasing the Group's corporate value through

his participation in deliberations and decision-making.

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Carlit Holdings Co. Ltd. published this content on 14 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 13 June 2024 23:02:07 UTC.