The Board of British and Malayan Trustees Limited announced that it had established an Audit Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee with effect from 4 July 2017, with the Directors being appointed as members of the respective board committees. The company appointed Mr. Soh Chung Hian as Chairman of Audit Committee and Mr. Lee Yung Shih Colin, Mr. Lee Boon Huat and Mr. Ng Kwan Meng as members of Audit Committee; Mr. Lee Boon Huat as Chairman of Nominating Committee, Mr. Lee Yung Shih Colin, Mr. Ng Kwan Meng and Mr. Soh Chung Hian as members of Nominating Committee; Mr. Ng Kwan Meng as Chairman of Remuneration Committee and Mr. Lee Yung Shih Colin, Mr. Lee Boon Huat and Mr. Soh Chung Hian as members of Remuneration Committee. The Board considers each of Mr. Soh Chung Hian, Mr. Lee Boon Huat and Mr. Ng Kwan Meng to be independent for the purposes of Rule 704(8) of the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST. As Mr. Lee Yung Shih Colin is a non-independent Director who has a deemed interest in the shares of the Company, he is not considered to be independent for the purposes of Rule 704(8) of the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST.