Bricknode announced it has joined NayaOne's Fintech Marketplace. Bricknode's solutions are now accessible to a diverse range of financial institutions looking to work with fintech companies and datasets to accelerate their business transformation through the NayaOne Sandpit - Digital Sandbox. NayaOne's Tech Marketplace is the largest fintech marketplace in Europe and gives NayaOne clients access to hundreds of APIs to build and evaluate products and services in the secure NayaOne Sandpit environment.

Companies looking to offer digital investment services will now be able to test Bricknode's investment infrastructure directly through the NayaOne marketplace. Bricknode helps start-ups and established firms looking to offer new digital financial services through its product verticals, including Bricknode Broker which supports investment and wealth management propositions. Bricknode Broker covers a wide range of services including trading, custody, reconciliation and compliance.